My 22 Takeaways from 2022
Maturity is when you stop pleasing people. When you notice the change, accept it, no more drama, no more fights. Just walk away with a smile. Connection in any form and trust are the foundation of a strong and healthy relationship. Reading books is very relevant in this social media era. Even as technology advances, demand on uniquely human skills is increasing (listening skills, attention to detail & attentiveness, effective communication, critical thinking, interpersonal skills, active learning) yet reading can help developing all these skills. Surround yourself with people who care about you more than just themselves. There's always going to be someone out there that can't stand you. Rather than worry about it, surround yourself with positive and genuine friends. Some people do not know how to resolve conflicts and are afraid to be left alone so they will rather keep quiet and play safe when there is an issue without talking it out and finding the soluti...