25 lessons that I've Learned in the Years of my Existence

I have been writing this piece since day 1 of this year (2020). This year marks the 25th year of my life and If I were to choose between restarting it again or continue what is present, I would prefer to keep the present. This is the product of my journey; my fall and my victory. I am greatly proud of who I am and what I have. Yet this does not mean that I will stop yearning. Every day, I opt to go beyond boarders, grow more, and fulfill my dreams to the fullest.

Let us go to the gist of this piece. For the past 25 years of my life, I have had experienced trials and triumphs that completed my pride and being. And I would like to share with you the 25 lessons that I’ve learned in the years of my existence.


1. Beauty fades but character does not.

Life tells us that no matter how beautiful our hair, skin color, and body are, everything will change just our age. At the end of the day, it is our character that will stay the same. We can be beautiful in our own way. We are what we are, so do not let other people judge us with our temporary. They must look and appreciate what’s within.


2. Change is permanent.

Be ready when the opportunities come, and do not let fear keep us from taking a chance.


3.  Overconfidence is not the Problem.

More often, being timid and overly cautious are what holding us back from reaching our goals in life. Overconfidence is not a problem; it helps us to believe in ourselves, yet we should have it with full respect and preparedness.


4. Fame and popularity are fleeting but integrity is constant.

True integrity is revealed by how people act when lights and cameras are off. It is possible to have that integrity no matter how famous you are.


5. Job is temporary.

Take risk and move forward with hype, enthusiasm, and confidence that things will work out. We must believe in ourselves and let us move forward.


6. Always save.

We do not know when the crisis comes. So, save!


7. Get a Life Insurance.

No one oversees your safety, except you.


8. Health is Wealth.

Drink eight glasses of water a day, exercise daily, get enough time of sleep, eat a healthy diet and most importantly, WASH YOUR HANDS!


9. We are called to love.

Serving other people with love is wealth and fulfilling. Focus on how we could give instead of what we could get. Let us have the greatest desire to do good and love  one another.


10. Life is short.

Choose happiness and overcome bitterness. Let us enjoy life and continue living it by being proactive and make greater things to happen.


11. Life is full of choices.

If our choices are not in strong value foundation, life will crumble, and we will be left to wonder what went wrong. So, we must choose the right path however hard the result of our good decision could make.


12. Always choose happiness.

Belief, hope, and faith are foundations for happiness, peace of mind, and long-term success.


13. Pain is part of life.

In life, we are faced with all sort of trials and pain that can terrify us and stop us from what we do. When challenges arise, we should stand up, be strong, and meet our troubles head on. We can conquer just about anything if we will just face it.


14. Weak heart inside, strong God outside.

To develop true inner peace, we must understand what God gave real meaning in our life: good relationships, making difference, and living authentically. It does not matter how weak our hearts are, if we have these 3 worked in our life, we are strong in God's presence!


15. It is easy to dream.

It is not difficult to discover what we are good at. The hard part is doing the work. The hard part is developing the effort, sacrifice, discipline, commitment, and sustained enduring devotion.


16. We cannot Depend on Luck.

We need to exert an effort. We need to be ready for opportunities that might come our way. We never know what opportunities are coming. That is why we have to be ready through attending trainings, engaging ourselves on workshops, reading books, studying new skills, and wanting to improve. Opportunities are always there exclusively for the prepared ones.


17. People can bring incredible joy in our life.

Let us just take the time to get to know each other. Many people enter relationships for what they think they can get instead of what they can give. If we were to focus more on the giving than getting, the return would be beautiful. It is called, blessing.


18. Social media is great for connecting across distances, but face-to-face meetings lead to intimate relationships.

    Real presence gains trust, builds bridges, and helps us manage mutual understanding. With all of its incredible benefits, technology can't replace the power of face-to-face communication. Technology is convenient but presence is overwhelming.


19. Faith is not a Sure Knowledge.

It is a firm belief. Belief in something for which there is no proof. We have faith when we believe we can find a way and then move into the dark. Faith is hope that is putting into action.


20. Hope is Faith's companion.

It is believing things will work out. Hope is moving forward, even when we cannot quite see what lies ahead. It is taking that step, even if the outcome is uncertain.


21. Don't worry about tomorrow.

Let tomorrow worry on itself. (Matthew 6:34)


22. We can become the person we want to be.

Do not let other people dictate the desires for our own life. Stand up and have faith for ourselves. The ability is within us, the power is in us.


23. Make everything You've been through as your breakthrough.

Every trial that we encounter in life is a lesson.


24. Time heals almost everything.

It is not a one-day process. Give it time.

25. We need God in everything.

Read that again. This time, you are aware that God is with you in everything.


All my learnings were contributed by my experiences and these experiences and learnings are not one-size-fits-all. I pray that these words may inspire and uplift you as the Lord our God designed my life to be used by Him and proclaim His greatness. (Grabe I love you, Lord!) 

There are so many things I want to talk about my realizations in life. 

Finding ourselves in a way we did not imagine that could ever happen.

That there will be days we would pray a lot and show how much grateful we are even if life is so difficult.

And we will discover that it is actually alright to have things not figured out and it is okay not be okay for quite some time.

We are loved, life is so awesome! Come and enjoy what is good ahead and let us look forward to everything. :)



  1. Hi Mae! Thanks for this piece, it's a great read! Tho I cant understand what u mean by item #19? I hope you can expound it.

    Actually I disagree with what u wrote here, that time heals everything. Hehe. Time cannot heal anything. In fact, it only hides the pain and blurs it like a mask. What really heals is acceptance, and admission of mistake from the person involved.

    Also, item #22 is incomplete, you forgot to mention some caveats: we can become the person we want to be if the people around us will support us. It takes so much courage and freedom to pursue something, not everyone has the means to do that.

    1. Wow, super happy ko po may naka recognize ng aking sulat. This is myb first time po to share my thoughts in a very formal way, and i expect not everybody will agree with me. It's just that I would like to share my learnings. And thank you po for sharing your thoughts. 😍💙

    2. It's okay! I am impressed by your writing and I do hope you write more in the future. Congratulations on your engagement! :)


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