Positive Psychology and Work-Life Integration

by Dr. Ronaldo A. Motilla

Positive emotion
9 ways to increase positive emotion
1. Attitude of Gratitude
2. Savoring the moment - feed your 5 senses with happiness emotions
3. Learning optimism
4. Humor and laughter (laughter yoga)
5. Meditation
6. Regular exercise
7. Connect with nature
8. Good nutrition
9. Expressive therapies - art/music/drama

Story of "Norman Cousins"

Positive emotion
"The enemy of the "best" is often the "good"
- Stephen R. Covey

Book- stress finder
"Talent x Investment = Strength"

Are you in the right course?
Strengths Finder
1. They usually represent yearning
2. It gives you intrinsic satisfaction
3. When you are using this certain talent, learning becomes esier
4. When you activate a strength, we perform extraondinarily well
5. When we activate a strength, we learn quickly

Relationship: Positive Connections
• 2 forms of relationships:
1. Toxic relationship-
• Emotionally manipulative people (they work on your guilt)
• Emotionally vultures
• Bad influence
2. Healthy relationship
• Good influence
• You grow together
• The kind of people you invite to your life is the reflection of yourself

Forgiveness is accepting the bad thing youve done to me that has nothing to do with what happiness that i have in life now.


Goals are not goals unless there are accomplishments.

All of these the most important is:

Spiritual Deepening

Religion is belief in someone else's experience. Spirotuality is having your own experience.


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